AT Jarrard Gap

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AT Jarrard Gap

Jarrard Gap Trail is an access trail to the Appalachian Trail from the Lake Winfield Scott Recreation Area. The trail follows an old logging road through hardwoods from the end of the Lake Winfield Scott Summer Home Area to its junction with the AT at Jarrard Gap on the AT Woody Gap to Neels Gap section. 

The hike follows the blue-blazed Slaughter Creek Trail, crossing the creek over a wooden bridge before reaching Slaughter Creek Road. The hike turns right on the gravel road, hiking the road to the signed Jarrard Trail trailhead. The blue-blazed Jarrard Trail climbs elevation into the forest beside a small stream, Lance Branch, on trail left. Fern and wildflowers fill the trail’s sides as it grabs elevation, rising toward the Appalachian Trail.

Following the iconic, white rectangular blazes of the Appalachian Trail, the hike turns left, trailing northeast and ascending elevation toward Blood Mountain. Views of the rolling, neighboring ridges emerge between trees as the Appalachian Trail reaches the Gaddis Mountain summit. Wildflowers are prolific here in spring, with trillium and other native flowers carpeting the forest floor over the rolling terrain.

The loop turns left, hiking the Slaughter Creek Trail to the north or alternately extend the hike’s mileage by 1.8 miles, and grab some stunning vistas, by continuing .9 miles on the Appalachian Trail to the Blood Mountain summit. And there are additional campsites on the AT just .15 mile from the Slaughter Creek trail junction.

The Appalachian Trail rolls elevation over the next mile, descending several gaps and climbing several summits before reaching a junction with the Freeman Trail, a popular loop route around Blood Mountain, at 2.6 miles. Several level backpacking camp sites sit left of the trail.

AT Jarrard Gap

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AT Jarrard Gap